by Rafal Gicgier | Aug 3, 2019 | ACF, Advanced Custom Fields, Filters, Gravity Forms, Projects, Theme |
WordPress application development with the usage of Gravity Forms and ACF based on a real software – a Fleet Medic, vehicle fleet management system.
by Rafal Gicgier | Aug 26, 2015 | Filters, JavaScript, Plugins, Shortcodes, WP |
Nearly every WordPress Theme benefits from a dynamic structure of shortcodes. The little piece of code gives one extra control over the layout ,allowing editor to put the structured content whenever needed. Their flexbility lets one reuse common content and create... by Rafal Gicgier | Jul 22, 2015 | Filters, Plugins, WP |
Why the hooks? Given some interest in extending our plugin we’ve decided to list the custom plugin available filters. We’ll be covering the fact on how to get rid of the default filtering and how to create custom filtering functions that may extend the...
by Rafal Gicgier | Mar 4, 2015 | Filters, Gravity Forms, Plugin Development, WP |
In this tutorial, we will delve into a highly practical topic: identifying the appropriate Gravity Forms hook to effectively transmit the data we’ve gathered from our various forms to an external form while implementing a redirect.
by Rafal Gicgier | Apr 22, 2014 | Filters, JavaScript, WP |
WordPress comes up with nice video and audio player plugin – MediaElement.js. Since it’s part of a core its default functionality is not perfect and actually it’s quite hard to customize. For instance it’s impossible to trigger custom event...
by Rafal Gicgier | Mar 4, 2014 | Filters, Gravity Forms, Plugins, WooCommerce, WP |
WooCommerce and Gravity Forms Gravity Forms product Add-ons is a great WooCommerce plugin, giving one ability to specify custom product fields per each product