Gravity Forms is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage forms easily. In this guide, we’ll explore how to generate and display Gravity Forms entries on the front end of your WordPress site.

Step 1: Retrieve Gravity Forms Entries

To begin, you can use the Gravity Forms API to retrieve entries for a specific form. In your code, $form_id is set to ‘1’, and the GFAPI::get_entries() function is used to fetch entries for that form. The resulting array contains information about each entry, including form ID, date created, IP address, and the form fields’ values.

Step 2: Display Entries on the Front End

Now, let’s display these entries on the front end of your WordPress site. You can loop through the entries and output the relevant information. For example, to display the values of “Testing Field” and “Second Choice” from the first entry:

Feel free to customize the HTML structure and formatting to match your site’s design.

Step 3: Enhance Display with Conditional Logic

To make the display more dynamic, you can use conditional logic. For instance, only show entries that meet specific criteria or format the output differently based on the values. Here’s a simple example:

Step 4: Add HTML Markup to the Entries Display

This code will generate an HTML table with headers for ID, Date Created, Testing Field, Second Choice, and so on. You can customize the table headers and add more <th> and <td> elements to include other fields from your form.


By following these steps, you can generate and display Gravity Forms entries on the front end of your WordPress site. This opens up possibilities for creating user dashboards, public form submissions, or any other scenario where you want to showcase form data outside of the WordPress admin.

Feel free to adapt and expand upon this guide based on your specific needs and the complexity of your forms.

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